Visiting rules
Section 1
General provisions
Article I
These Visitors’ Rules are binding and apply to all persons (“visitors”) entering the Museum of Fantastic Illusions ( “the Museum”). By purchasing a ticket and / or entering the Museum, visitors undertake to respect and abide by these Visitors’ Rules without reservation.
Article II
The Museum is operated by the Czech entertainment agency, s.r.o., Company no.: 07833857, VAT no.: CZ07833857 with its establishment in Vodickova Street 31, 110 00 Praha 1 and the responsible person is PhDr. Pavel Kožíšek, whose e-mail is
Section 2
Entrance to the Museum
Article III
The museum is open all year round and the current opening hours are published on the Museum website at: The Museum can only be entered during the specified opening hours, unless otherwise agreed. New visitors will not be allowed to enter the Museum sixty minutes before the museum’s closing time.
Article IV
We reserve the right to change the visiting days, as well as the opening hours of the Museum and restrict the services offered. In particular, the Museum or part of it may be closed for safety or public health reasons, without any claim for damages from visitors or any other claims.
Article V
The Museum can only be entered by presenting a valid ticket. Visitors must keep their tickets for the duration of the Museum tour. Visitors must show their tickets at any time at the request of any of the Museum employees. The ticket entitles the visitor to one visit to the Museum. Purchased and checked tickets cannot be returned or exchanged. Discounts are provided according to the valid price list, which is available at
Article VI
Umbrellas, satchels, bags, prams, roller skates, wheelchairs, etc., which could damage the exhibits, museum equipment, items and property of other visitors, etc. cannot be brought into the Museum. Outdoor wear such as coats and jackets must be worn by visitors and must not be carried by hand in the Museum.
Article VII
Visitors agree and acknowledge that the Museum operator has no responsibility for discarded items in the Museum, including the clothes lockers.
Article VIII
Visitors enter all areas of the Museum at their own risk.
Article IX
The number of visitors may be limited for security reasons. If the maximum capacity of the Museum is reached, the operator can temporarily restrict entry to new visitors. No claims can be made against the operator for this temporary restriction.
Article X
Children and other persons who have not acquired full legal capacity will at all times and under all circumstances be the full responsibility of their parents or any other responsible representative or accompanying person who must properly supervise their entire presence in the Museum. Parents or any other responsible representative or accompanying person must also acquaint children and other persons who have not acquired full legal capacity in a manner appropriate to their age and abilities when entering the Museum.
Article XI
Visitors with claustrophobic and epileptic problems are strictly forbidden to visit the Museum due to their safety and health and the safety and health of other visitors. Visitors with a health condition must assess responsibly whether visiting a museum with optical illusory effects is appropriate for them.
Article XII
Visitors agree and acknowledge that the Museum is not responsible for damage, loss or theft of items or objects discarded by visitors at the Museum or brought to the Museum by visitors, even in part. Visitors must look after their personal items. Similarly, the Museum is not liable to visitors for any damage caused to them due to theft.
Section 3
General visitor behaviour requirements
Article XIII
The following must not be brought onto the premises of the Museum:
– weapons, knives, chains, scissors, explosives, flammable and / or volatile substances and, in general, any illegal, dangerous substances or objects;
– bulky or loud objects, including luggage;
– animals, even in transport bags for animals, etc .;
– food (including sweets, chewing gum, boxes with pizza) and drinks.
Article XIV
Visitors must be suitably dressed, entry will not be allowed especially to visitors in swimsuits without top or bottom clothing, and must behave properly and considerately to the staff and visitors of the Museum. Visitors in heavily soiled clothing and those who may damage the Museum’s premises or endanger the safety of other visitors by their behaviour will not be allowed on the Museum’s premises or may be expelled from them. Visitors must follow the safety rules. Visitors must not disturb the Museum tour by their behaviour, attitude or comments.
Article XV
It is prohibited to:
– eat and drink throughout the Museum;
– enter the premises of the Museum under the influence of alcohol or other addictive substances;
– touch and damage exposed exhibits (if not intended);
– block the emergency exit;
– write or paint on the walls and exhibits or otherwise pollute and damage them;
– run, poke or push in the Museum;
– disturb other visitors by any noisy activity, in particular listening to audio or video players or playing musical instruments;
– discard garbage, especially chewing gum, outside the waste bins;
– smoke, including electronic cigarettes and handle naked flames in any way;
– carry out any commercial or advertising activity, withdraw money, distribute and sell brochures, printed matter, newspapers, badges or other objects of any kind at the Museum without proper authorization;
– use the premises and facilities of the Museum in any manner inconsistent with their designated purpose.
Article XVI
Visitors who violate these Visitors’ Rules may be expelled from the premises of the Museum, or other legal action may be taken against them.
Section 4
Special arrangements for groups
Article XVII
We recommend that all groups book a date and time for their visit to the Museum at before visiting the Museum. Because of capacity, it may not be possible for groups that have not made a reservation to enter. In addition, groups, especially school pupils or students with an inadequate teaching staff escort, may be refused entry. Groups whose members violate these Rules or any other instructions, in particular from the Museum staff, may be expelled from the Museum premises.
Article XVIII
Visitors – members of a group are subject to the same rules set out in these Visitors’ rules as individual visitors.
Article XIX
The group leader must make sure that all members of the visitors’ group adhere to these Visitors’ Rules and to the instructions of the Museum staff. The Museum reserves the right, if necessary, to take steps to ensure the proper conduct of the members of the visitors’ group.
Article XX
Visitors’ groups must not disturb other Museum visitors.
Article XXI
The number of visitors may be limited for security reasons.
Section 5
Security and personal data protection
Article XXII
Visitors are informed that there is a camera system with recording equipment installed in the premises of the Museum to ensure the safety of visitors and items in the Museum and the premises of the Museum and to protect property against crime in accordance with the applicable data protection law.
Article XXIII
The personal data of visitors to the extent – video recordings of the camera system, are processed by the administrator, Czech entertainment agency, s.r.o., Company ID: 07833857, VAT no: CZ07833857, registered office Masarykovo nábřeží 14, 110 00 Prague 1.
Article XXIV
The camera system records images 24 hours a day, during the opening hours of the Museum. Recordings made from the CCTV system will be kept by the administrator according to the CCTV system registration from the date of their acquisition and then deleted. Processing takes place at the registered office address of the administrator. No one else will receive the personal data obtained by the administrator from the CCTV system, except law enforcement authorities on suspicion of a crime or, as the case may be, the relevant administrative authorities.
Article XXV
Visitors have the right of access to personal data, the right to correct personal data, as well as the other rights in Section 21 of the Personal Data Protection Act; if the visitor finds out or believes that the controller or processor is processing his / her personal data contrary to the privacy of the data subject or the law, especially if the personal data is inaccurate with respect to the purpose of processing it, he/she can ask the controller or processor for an explanation; require the controller or processor to remedy the situation, in particular by blocking, correcting, supplementing or destroying the personal data. Contact details for receiving applications:
Article XXVI
If requested, visitors must undergo a personal search or, where appropriate, an inspection of the items that a visitor is bringing or taking from the Museum, carried out by the Museum staff.
Article XXVII
Visitors must refrain from any action that could endanger the safety of persons or items in the Museum. Visitors must report any damage or other unusual facts to Museum employees without delay.
Article XXVIII
Visitors must adhere to the written safety rules as well as the safety instructions of the Museum staff. If the Museum or any part of it is to be evacuated, visitors must follow the instructions of the Museum staff.
Article XXIX
If a visitor has an accident or is suffering from a medical disability contact the Museum staff and they will provide medical assistance.
Article XXX
A visitor who witnesses any unlawful conduct, in particular a crime, or a misdemeanour against property or health, must notify the Museum employees without delay.
Article XXXI
If a visitor finds a lost child in the Museum, he / she must take it to the Museum cash desk or hand it over to one of the Museum employees.
Article XXXII
The museum is not liable for accidents and damage caused by violating the Visitors’ Rules.
Section 6
Photography, audio and video recordings and copies
Article XXXIII
Visitors are entitled to make video recordings and audio-visual recordings of the Museum’s premises, solely for their personal use. For the non-personal use of the visitor (commercial purposes, artistic creation), video recordings and audio-visual recordings can only be made on the basis of an application with the prior written consent of the Museum operator.
Article XXXIV
Visitors must request their demonstrable consent in advance when making video and audiovisual recordings of other visitors and Museum employees.
Section 7
Causing damage
Article XXXV
A visitor is responsible for any breach of the Visitors’ Rules and for any damage caused in accordance with the relevant laws, in particular Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code. If a Museum visitor causes damage by violating these rules or other unreasonable activity, a record will be drawn up with the visitor. If the visitor is unwilling to prove his / her identity, the assistance of the Police of the Czech Republic will be requested. The scope, amount and method of compensation will be determined in accordance with the relevant legal regulations and the internal regulations of the Museum.
Section 8
Final Provisions
Article XXXVI
These rules are available to visitors at the Museum booking office or at
These Visitors’ Rules come i
Muzeum fantastických iluzí
Galerie Myšák
Vodičkova 31/710
110 00 Praha 1